Transcend, an all new romance filled with love in unexpected places from Jewel E. Ann is LIVE!

“In another life, she was my forever.”
An unexpected tragedy leaves Professor Nathaniel Hunt a widower alone with a newborn baby.
He hires a nanny. She’s young, but well-qualified, with a simple life, a crazy name obsession, and a boyfriend she met at the grocery store.
Over time, he discovers she knows things about him—things that happened before she was born—like a hidden scar on his head, his favorite pizza, and how he cheated on a high school Spanish test.
She speaks familiar words and shares haunting memories that take him back to over two decades earlier when he lost his best friend in a tragic accident.
“I’m afraid of what’s going to happen when you realize I’m not her.”
Transcend is a sexy, mind-bending journey that uncovers possibilities, challenges beliefs, and begets the age-old question: is there life after death?
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SHANDA 4.5 stars
Man that was good! Jewel Ann is one of those authors I can sign up for the book with no blurb. I know each time I pick up one of her stories, it will be original and nothing like her previous books.
Transcend was such a creative and beautiful story. It is reminiscent of the Jack and Jill series in the fact that you get more than one story in the book. Swayze and her love Griffin. Nate and his past loves and loss. Nate’s new love with his baby girl. Morgan Daisy’s story, which is still a mystery.
I really cannot say anymore, as I do not want to spoil. Transcend is one of those books you should really go in blind with. It will definitely take you on a wild ride. I cannot wait to get my hands on Epoch. My eyes were bugging out of my head at the end. I have some theories on Swayze. I am not 100% sure Nate is correct with what he thinks is going on with Swayze. I want to see how Ms. Ann plays out the rest of her story.
Well Done!
Man that was good! Jewel Ann is one of those authors I can sign up for the book with no blurb. I know each time I pick up one of her stories, it will be original and nothing like her previous books.
Transcend was such a creative and beautiful story. It is reminiscent of the Jack and Jill series in the fact that you get more than one story in the book. Swayze and her love Griffin. Nate and his past loves and loss. Nate’s new love with his baby girl. Morgan Daisy’s story, which is still a mystery.
I really cannot say anymore, as I do not want to spoil. Transcend is one of those books you should really go in blind with. It will definitely take you on a wild ride. I cannot wait to get my hands on Epoch. My eyes were bugging out of my head at the end. I have some theories on Swayze. I am not 100% sure Nate is correct with what he thinks is going on with Swayze. I want to see how Ms. Ann plays out the rest of her story.
Well Done!
Jewel E. Ann has become one of those authors whose writing I gravitate towards. Her stories have such great depths and you never know how the story will play out.
Transcend is another winner. Swayze Samuels senses and knows things about certain people she meets; it's not everyone and she doesn't understand why she's the way she is. She has a fantastic boyfriend, Griffin, who would do just about anything for her. Although Griffin is a bit skeptical of Swayze's "abilities", he supports her as best he can, while still worrying about what it means.
She meets Professor Nathaniel Hunt as she's leaving her therapist's office. She immediately begins talking to him as if she knows him and eventually realizes that she's effectively freaking him out. Things get odder when she shows up at his house the next day to interview for a nanny position; she comes up with story to cover her familiarity from the previous day. Nate eventually comes to realization about how Swayze can know things about him; I'm not certain that his supposition is correct, but I guess we really won't know until the next book.
I'm intrigued by how this will play out. Will justice be served with Swayze's ability? What exactly is she capable of? How will all the interpersonal relationships play out? The ending of this book has me hoping that Epoch will be in my hands soon so I can have the answers I so anxiously await.

Preorder Epoch Today!
About Jewel E. Ann

Jewel is a free-spirited romance junkie with a quirky sense of humor.
With 10 years of flossing lectures under her belt, she took early retirement from her dental hygiene career to stay home with her three awesome boys and manage the family business.
After her best friend of nearly 30 years suggested a few books from the Contemporary Romance genre, Jewel was hooked. Devouring two and three books a week but still craving more, she decided to practice sustainable reading, AKA writing.
When she’s not donning her cape and saving the planet one tree at a time, she enjoys yoga with friends, good food with family, rock climbing with her kids, watching How I Met Your Mother reruns, and of course…heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, panty-scorching novels.
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